News and Updates

Apply for Free and Reduced-Price Meals for 2024-25
To receive free or reduced-price meal benefits for the 2024-2025 school year, families can complete an application via SchoolCafe.

Reminder – RISD Code of Civility Being Implemented for 2024-25
The district is implementing a new Richardson ISD Code of Civility this school year to set expectations for how students, parents, employees, and visitors treat and interact with each other while at school or communicating about school-related activities.

Back To School & First Day Safety Reminders
All parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to become familiar with how RISD schools approach safety and security.

How to Sign-up for RISD Bus Transportation
RISD provides bus service for students who live more than two miles away from their home campus.

Insurance Available for RISD-Issued Devices
RISD provides students and parents or guardians the opportunity to purchase insurance for any device owned by the school district and assigned to a student for use at school and home.

RISD Changing 2025 Spring Break on 2024-25 Calendar
RISD is changing the dates of spring break on the 2024-25 student academic calendar. The new dates for spring break will be March 10-14, 2025 – moved up one week from the previous dates of March 17-21.

Summer Resources
RISD will offer summer meals in June at seven different campuses across the district, and the Network mobile food pantry will stop at five other campuses.

Summer Meals Program
RISD will offer summer meals at seven different campuses across the district.

Join The RISD Work Family
RISD is now interviewing positions for the 2024-25 school year.

143 Seniors Earn Associate Degrees
The PTECH program provides students an opportunity to earn a high school diploma and an associate degree simultaneously.

Spring Exams – May 21-24, 2024
Click here for information regarding the altered bell schedule for exams.

Bright Stars Track Meet
RISD’s second annual Bright Star track meet was held this week at Eagle-Mustang Stadium.

FMJH/LHJH production of Annie, Jr
Standing Ovation for the FMJH/LHJH performance of Annie, Jr, directed by the FMJH/LHJH theater teacher, Kathryn Williams.

Verkada Guest Sign-In System
Everyone needs an ID to enter an RISD campus.

Summer School Info
RISD provides opportunities to explore learning experiences that promote academic growth through asynchronous, self-paced summer courses with Acceleration Courses.