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Arapaho Classical Magnet

ACM House Sorting Day

Four Houses One Family - House Crests

Last week, ACM celebrated House Sorting Day! On Sorting Day, all students who are new to ACM are randomly sorted into one our our four houses. ACM implemented the House system five years ago. The goal of the House System is to provide an opportunity for students and staff to build community, promote unity, and create new traditions.

Our House System organizes our students and staff into four houses: Aplomado (pink), Lanner (yellow), Peregrine (blue), and Saker (green). Each house is based on one of school guidelines for success or PRIDE; purpose, respect, integrity, determination, and excellence.

Once sorted into their houses, students will be able to earn points for their house. Points are awarded to students for academic success, participation in school events and programs, good character, and various house competitions throughout the year. The house with the most points at the end of each quarter will have spirit day, and at the end of the year the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup to display in the school.

Thanks to everyone who participated in celebrated our newest ACM House members. Four houses, one family!