Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year. Education is a team effort. Through the teamwork of parents, students, teachers, and other staff members we can make this year wonderfully successful for our students. Below is the 2022-2023 ACM Parent/Student Handbook. During the year as questions arise about school procedures and policies, please refer to this handbook. Students and parents also need to be familiar with the Richardson Independent School District Student/Parent Guidebook and Student Code of Conduct. Both handbooks are available on the Student Services Policies Page. Please read through the ACM Parent/Student Handbook with your child.
If you plan on assisting/volunteering with any school activities this year, please create a Voly account at risd.voly.org. A background check must be conducted on ALL school volunteers every year. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school office at (469) 593-6400.
Thank you for supporting ACM and for being involved in your child’s education. We are going to have a great year!
Kristin Strickland
At ACM, we provide engaging learning experiences so that our students become creative thinkers, effective communicators and socially responsible citizens.
A student must be in attendance 90% of the days class is offered in order to receive credit for that grade level. Students who accumulate excessive absences during a school year can be considered for retention, as decided by the Principal and Campus Attendance Review Committee. If a student accumulates enough absences for the 90% rule to take effect, a mandatory meeting must be convened between the parent and the attendance committee. During this meeting, a plan is required to be completed to help students attend school regularly. Unless special circumstances exist, all absences after the 90% rule will be required to have a doctor’s note for the absence to be excused.
The official attendance time for ACM is 7:50am – 3:10pm. Students arriving after 7:50am are counted tardy. Classes begin promptly at 7:50am. If your child is tardy, they are missing valuable instruction. Students arriving after 8:05am will be considered to have missed part of the school day and are no longer counted tardy – it will be a partial day absence. Unless a note is sent explaining the absence/late arrival, all partial day absences are unexcused. Make every effort to have your child at school by the first bell at 7:50am. Students arriving at or after 9:00am are considered absent for the day.
- Students should be in their seats at 7:50am each day ready to work. If a student arrives after the 7:50 bell, he/she will be counted tardy.
- A student arriving after 8:05am and before 8:59am will be designated as late partial absence/late arrival and the absence will be counted as an unexcused absence. A note may be provided within 3 school days and this partial absence/late arrival may be excused.
- If a campus administrator determines a student exhibits excessive tardiness, he/she may notify the student that any subsequent tardies will be counted as partial day unexcused absences on the attendance records.
Establishing a morning routine which allows ample time for your child to wake up, eat breakfast and get ready to start the academic day is not only essential for success as a student at ACM, but instills lifelong patterns which will aid your child in his/her future successes.
Students who miss part of a single school day for a medical appointment should bring a note from the doctor, dentist, or medical provider, on their stationary, with the appointment date and time to be eligible for the following expectations:
- A student who has been at a medical appointment and arrives after 7:50am but before 9:00am will not be counted absent or tardy if they bring a note from the medical provider.
- A student who has been at a medical appointment and arrives after 9:00am will not be counted absent if they bring a note from the medical provider.
- A student who leaves school for a medical appointment after 7:50am and returns after 9:00am will not be counted absent if they bring a note from the medical provider.
- Students signing in from a medical appointment without a note from the provider will be counted either absent or tardy.
- A student absent from school for any portions of a school day shall provide a note or email from their parent/guardian describing the reason for the absence. A handwritten note must be signed by the student’s parent/guardian (unless the student has been at a medical appointment – see above). Written excuses or emails must be received within three (3) school days of the absence, or the absence will be unexcused.
- Chronic excessive absences are subject to the guidelines set out by the RISD Parent/Student Guidebook. Students who accumulate three (3) or more unexcused absences will receive a warning letter and be required to develop a Truancy Intervention Plan with the school. A referral to the truancy court will be made on the tenth (10th) or more unexcused absences and will require parent communication with the principal.
- When a student’s absence for personal illness exceeds three (3) consecutive school days, the student must bring a statement from a physician or health clinic verifying the illness or other condition requiring the student’s extended absence from school.
- Under the RISD Guidelines, any student missing more than 10% of the school year is required to develop a plan for intervention and support with the school. An attendance committee including the principal, classroom teacher, counselor and parent will be required to meet and develop the plan. If a child is not present at least 90% of the school year, the student may not receive credit for that grade level.
Some examples of excused absences are:
- Student illness.
- Family emergency or unavoidable instance requiring immediate attention.
- Medical procedures that take the full day (usually not a single medical appointment).
- Funerals for members of the student’s immediate family (siblings, parents, grandparents).
- Special provisions apply for a deployed military parent (leaving or returning). Prior notice to school is required.
Some examples of unexcused absences are:
- Truancy.
- Personal or family vacation (i.e., skiing, hunting, fishing, grandparents’ visits, etc.)
- Private lessons.
- Baby-sitting siblings.
- Students without a doctor’s note after they have reached the 90% rule.
Students who are absent for religious holy days, that are a tenet of their faith, are not counted absent if a note is received from the parent, guardian, or place of worship. If this required note is received, the student will be given an unexcused absence.
The above lists are intended as guidelines and are not all inclusive. The principal makes all final determinations concerning absence excuse notes.
Parent drop off will take place in the front and back circle drives of ACM from 7:30-7:50am. This is the area where staff and safety patrol students are on duty to assist students out of their car and safely into the building. Students who are dropped off on the south side of Cypress (across from ACM) must follow the directions of the crossing guard posted at the intersection. Students and parent should always use the crosswalk when crossing the front drive and when crossing Mimosa and Cypress. Student safety is our top priority.
In an effort to allow all students timely access to the building, please pull as far into the driveway as traffic flow will allow before your child exits your car. This may require some students to backtrack to their entry door, but this will allow our traffic to flow as smoothly as possible and minimize backup on Mimosa and Arapaho. We will have ample staff on hand out front and in hallways to support students in making it to their classrooms.
Walkers, bike riders, and bus riders will all enter the front/main doors of ACM and should never walk around the building to enter the B Hall/Gym doors.
The doors will open each morning at 7:30am. Students will go directly to the cafeteria for breakfast or the gym upon arrival. The morning tardy bell will ring at 7:50am. Please try to arrive by 7:40am if you are planning to drive your children to school. There is no supervision provided prior to 7:30am.
Students who arrived after 7:50am MUST be dropped off in the front circle drive and enter through the main doors.
All students who ride bicycles are encouraged to follow the safety rules:
- Walk bikes on school property.
- Walk bikes across sidewalks.
- Securely lock bike on bike rack.
We will dismiss all carpool children at 3:05pm. Parent pick up will take place in the front of the building for all students. Please always pull all the way up to the car in front of you in line. This will help us get more cars through the line faster. Place the carpool tag so that it is visible in your windshield/window for a staff member to see. As you drive through the pickup line, staff will read your child’s number, call your child from their designated waiting area inside or outside the building, and escort them to your car.
If you need a carpool number number or tag, we will get those to you on the first day or send them home with your child.
Walkers will be dismissed at 3:10pm and should immediately leave the campus. All walkers will be expected to cross the street at the corner of Mimosa and Cypress. A crossing guard on duty for the safety of our students. Please explain this safety precaution to your child and support our efforts to keep all children safe.
Students that are picked up by a bus will exit the back of the building to board their bus.
Students who attend the xPlore Program will be taken directly to the Cafeteria, or grade level assigned location when the dismissal bell rings.
Often in the first few days, our younger students are confused about whether they are being picked up by their parents or if they are to ride the bus. Please do your best to help them be sure of how they are getting home. Students are to provide their classroom teacher with a NOTE from their parent/guardian if there is a change in their dismissal procedure.
Please do not enter the office between 2:30pm and 3:00pm to pick up your student. If a situation arises in which you need to pick up your student between 2:30pm and 3:00pm, please give the front office as much notice as possible.
Parents are asked to remain in their cars during drop off and dismissal. We recognize that parents enjoy visiting with one another and their child’s teachers during these times, but in an effort to keep the carpool line and traffic moving and keep all students safe, we are requesting that parents remain in their cars and allow our staff to support your children in entering and exiting the building. If you are a “walker” and drop off/pick up your child by foot, we ask that you do so efficiently. We kindly ask that parents not congregate on the front porch or in the front of the school.
- There is a NO LEFT TURN SIGN in the front circle drive.
- There is NO U-turning anywhere on Cypress Drive.
- No drop off or pick up in front of the large cones.
- Students are ONLY allowed to cross Cypress at the crosswalk. It is extremely dangerous to allow your child to run across Cypress.
- Please be patient and courteous to others. We have to work together to keep our students safe.
Students at ACM demonstrate Falcon PRIDE.
General Information / Purpose
In order for any school to be successful the environment must be conducive to learning. Successful schools have clearly defined rules of operation, are consistent in the application of those rules, and display a conscientious attitude on the part of its students, staff, and community in complying with those standards.
Each grade level executes a discipline plan that is age appropriate and meets the standards of the school. Teachers will be instructing students on the discipline plan the first week of school. Parents will have an opportunity to see the discipline management plan at Teacher/Parent Orientation on August 25.
When students fail to meet these behavioral expectations, teachers will handle the student(s) according to the defined discipline system. Persistent misbehavior and any major offense will be submitted to the principal/asst. principal for an office referral. Principal/asst. principal discretion will apply to the consequence for these actions.
- Face forward.
- Use quiet walking feet.
- Keep your hands to yourself.
- Turn voices off.
- Stay seated.
- Use your manners.
- No sharing food.
- Clean your area.
- Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
- Play fair and show good sportsmanship.
- Always stay in view of a teacher.
- Use equipment properly.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Take care of yourself quickly and quietly.
- Wash your hands with soap and water.
- Throw away trash in the trash can.
If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday at school, please bring non-food items such as pencils, erasers, etc. to share with the class. Food items will not be permitted in the cafeteria or classrooms. Birthday party invitations will not be distributed at school unless the entire class is invited. We strive to build community and do not want problems to arise because of hurt feelings. Your support is greatly appreciated. Flowers/balloons/etc. may not be delivered to the classroom during the instructional day. If delivered to the school, these items will be kept in the office and sent home with the student at the end of the day.
We strive to prevent bullying, however, should an incident occur, we identify and intervene immediately upon the knowledge of the situation. We follow the RISD guidelines for bullying as identified in the Richardson ISD Code of Conduct. Please review that document (link attached on page 1) to be informed about the process.
The Richardson Independent School District serves nutritious meals every school day. Students may buy lunches for $2.80 and breakfast for $2.10. A monthly menu for breakfast and lunch can be found here.
Please take advantage of the options to prepay your student’s meal accounts. Prepaid meal accounts help the lunch lines go faster and give students more time to eat, relax, and visit with friends. It also removes the inconvenience of looking for lunch money every day or worrying that it might get lost, stolen or used for things other than lunch.
Online payments are a simple, safe and secure way to make payments to your students account 24 hours a day at your convenience. Visit the website Pam’s Lunch Room at www.paypams.com. At Pam’s Lunch Room, you can prepay for your child’s account.
You can always bring money personally or send it with your student. Please place it in an envelope marked clearly with your student’s name, their ID #, their teacher’s name, the $ amount and the check #. Turn in prepaid deposits to the cafeteria cashier(s) or school office. Checks must include the check writer’s birthdate and driver’s license number.
The District participates in the National School Lunch Program and offers free or reduced-priced meals based on a student’s financial need. To apply for free or reduced-price meals, parents must complete an application, sign it, and return it to the school. You may also apply for free or reduced school meals online. RISD Free and Reduced Application
Visitors are welcome to join their student for lunch. Lunch visitors will need to check in through the front office upon arrival and are expected to meet their child in the cafeteria. Junior high and high school students are not permitted to visit at lunch unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. Guests must finish their visit by the end of the scheduled lunch time so that students do not miss instructional time. There will be no lunch visitor the first three weeks of school. This will allow students the opportunity to learn the cafeteria rules, procedures and build relationships with their classmates.
Due to space in our cafeteria we are asking that parents who wish to have lunch with their child do so on the designated days. Fridays will be reserved for students to have lunch with their Houses, so we ask that visitors not visit on Fridays.
Monday and Wednesday- Kindergarten, 2nd grade, 5th grade and 6th grade
Tuesday and Thursday- 1st grade, 3rd grade and 4th grade
RISD Student Cell Phone Guidelines: To promote the best possible learning and social environment in Richardson ISD, students will not use their cellphones/electronic devices during the school day, unless provided permission from an authorized district employee during the instructional day. The intent of the cell phone policy is to establish a cell phone-free environment and avoid cell phones/electronic devices distracting from learning as well as causing a loss of instructional time.
Staff will confiscate cell phones being used by students during the school day. Parents will be contacted. Continued violations will result in disciplinary actions.
Electronic communication devices include but are not limited to:
- Cell phones
- Smart watches
- Any other electronic device capable of transmitting electronic signals (including Bluetooth and/or infrared technology, IPODS, IPADS, MP3 players, handheld games, etc.)
Class instruction will not be interrupted to deliver lunches, water bottles, glasses, sweaters, etc. Any items that need to be delivered will be handled by front office staff. Any items that are dropped off in the office need to be clearly labeled with student and teacher names. Students will not be allowed to make or receive phone calls during instructional class time. Messages for students will be placed in the teacher’s mailbox and the teacher will deliver the message to the student. In order to ensure your student receives the message, please contact the office before 2:30. Students will only be called to the office in the case of an emergency.
When a child is not feeling well, is throwing up, has diarrhea or has been involved in an accident, he/she will be brought to the clinic. The school secretaries and nurse are responsible for the services in the clinic. If the child states that he/she is not feeling well, their temperature is taken. If the student has a temperature of 100.0 °F or greater, the parents are contacted to pick up their child according to the Texas Department of Health Services. A child should be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication, prior to returning to school.
Students who experience vomiting and/or diarrhea may be infectious and should not return to school until free of vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours without medication.
A student who must take prescription or (nonprescription) medicine during the school day must bring a district medical form completed by his or her parent, and the medicine, in its properly labeled container, to the school nurse or the executive assistant. The school nurse or office staff will either give the medicine at the proper times or give the student permission to take the medication as directed.
In case of an accident of a minor nature, first aid is administered at school. This could be antiseptic cleaning, bandaging, and providing an ice pack. In case of a serious accident or illness, the parents will be called immediately to take charge of the child. The school nurse or aide does all screening and checks all immunization records on a regular basis. Updated and accurate information is required prior to any medication being dispensed during the school day. The nurse may contact you if there are any questions regarding medications being given to your child.
A parent who wants to schedule a conference with a staff member should contact them for an appointment. Generally, a teacher will be able to meet with parents or return calls during his/her conference period or after school within 24 hours of a work day. It is advised to always contact the teacher about a situation/question before asking another staff member or administrator. In most cases, the teacher has more knowledge of a situation or event and can help a parent in a timely manner. Teachers are expected to supervise their learning environments and cannot visit with parents for any length of time during the day, except during their conference period, before (prior to 7:30 a.m.) or after (after 3:20 p.m.) school hours. Teachers will not answer their desk phones during school hours while working with students. Communication between parent and teacher is an important piece of a student’s success. The progress of the child is communicated to the parents by progress reports, report cards, written notices, conferences, and telephone or email communication.
In general, ACM follows a no-homework policy in grades K-5. This means regular, weekly homework is not assigned. Exceptions to this policy must be communicated by the classroom teacher and can include:
- Nightly/weekly reading expectations
- Completion of work not finished during class time
- Phonics or fact fluency practice
- Extra support practice given for specific, targeted skills as needed
- Make-up work from days missed
- Class projects that may require work outside of school hours
- Complete assigned work on time and to the best of his/her ability
- Assume responsibility for making up work when absent
- Communicate with the teacher when extenuating circumstances prevent the completion of assigned classwork and or make-up work.
Each grade level will have a specific grading system and homework plan. Your children’s grade level communication plan will be presented at the beginning of the school year. Grades reflect the alignment of curriculum, instruction and assessment. Grades will be an average of projects, classroom and homework assignments.
Kindergarten Reports and Conferences – Kindergarten parents will be scheduled to conference with their child’s teacher twice during the year. At that time, parents will be provided with a copy of the Kindergarten Academic Progress Report which will show the progress the student is making in kindergarten.
Report Cards – Report cards are issued once every nine weeks for those students in grades one through six. Explanations of grading symbols are located on the face of the report card. Parents should sign the report card envelope and return it to the teacher. Report cards will be discussed at the Teacher/Parent Orientation meeting, conferences and on an as needed basis.
Progress Reports – After the first three weeks of school only students who are failing any of the core subjects will receive a progress report. After the first nine weeks of school, all students will receive a progress report twice per nine weeks.
Lockers will be assigned to students. Lockers do not lock and locks cannot be brought from home, so please do not send valuable items to be left in lockers.
Please label items such as: jackets, sweaters, lunchboxes, and water bottles. Students are expected to respect the property of others. Found items, such as money, glasses, watches, and jewelry should be brought to the office. Clothing, lunch boxes, notebooks, and larger items should be placed in the lost and found cabinet in the main hallway. When an item of personal property or money is lost, the student may get permission from his/her teacher to come to the office to check the collection on hand. Students will be encouraged to look through the collection for their lost items. Lost and found items that have not been claimed will be donated before the winter break and at the end of the school year.
Students may not bring personal items to school without teacher permission. This includes electronics, sporting equipment, toys, and games. It also includes items that may distract the learning environment such as trendy toys, playing cards, etc…Teachers may take the item causing a disruption. They will contact the parent to discuss the disruption and retrieval of the item(s).
Students who engage in recess (unstructured play) during the school day are engaged in learning and are more likely to experience improved overall achievement. The master schedule has been created to ensure time for daily recess for all students, differentiated by grade level. (Grades K-5, 30 minutes; Grade 6, 15 minutes) Recess minutes may be scheduled during a single block of time or may be split into multiple blocks of time. Recess may occur inside or outside of the school building. Withholding recess will not be used as a routine disciplinary consequence for student misbehavior. However, administrators may decide that a student’s disciplinary infractions occurring during, or on the way to, recess may warrant the occasional removal of recess time as an appropriate consequence.
Only two parties are held during the school year, Winter Holiday and Valentine’s Day. Parties may begin no earlier than one hour before the end of the school day. Family members registered with Voly and with approved background checks are always welcome and encouraged to attend. Please note that no birthday or other party celebrations will be allowed. Please do not bring cakes, cupcakes, drinks, or other party foods unless requested by the school. We have many students with food allergies and must provide a safe and healthy learning environment. It is also state policy that no foods be brought into the schools during school hours as to not be in competition with the cafeteria. Thanks so much for your cooperation.
The 2022-2023 party days will be:
- Friday, December 16th, Winter Holiday Parties
- Tuesday, February 14th, Valentine’s Day Parties
Parent requests for copies of student personal records such as birth certificates, social security cards, or immunization records must be made in writing at the school office. There is a 48 hour turn-around time for the processing of copies. Copies will be provided at a cost of $.25 per page due in the office at the time of pick-up. Some record requests may need to go through district records management.
Student safety on campus or at a school-related event is a high priority of the school district. Parents can assist by keeping emergency care information up to date (name of doctor, emergency phone numbers, allergies to medications, etc.) PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL WITH ANY CHANGES IN EMERGENCY INFORMATION IMMEDIATELY. Having current information will be of critical importance should an accident or injury occur that requires medical attention.
Due to heightened safety and security measures across all schools please be aware that we will be utilizing increased safety measures when buzzing visitors into the building, as well as using our Raptor system to print badges. During large school wide events, this may take longer than in the past for all to be checked in to our system. We appreciate your patience and support as we continue to work to keep our students and staff safe.
In the occurrence of the events listed below, RISD’s recommendation is to hold the students on campus until the weather dissipates.
- Tornado Warning
- Severe Thunderstorm Warning
- Heavy rain producing flash flooding
- Thunder and lightning in area
- Hail
ACM strongly recommends that students are left on campus until the severe weather has passed, as the structural integrity of the campus is considered safer than a house or an apartment (if a storm shelter is not available). Parents on campus may stay on campus, in the office, until the severe weather subsides.
Parents should be aware that when schools are under Lockdown or Shelter-In-Place due to severe weather or a neighborhood emergency which affects the safety of the school, staff members may not be available to open the doors or remain at the door to let people in. The RISD will not jeopardize the safety of staff members near windows or doorways in such emergencies.
The school creates class lists based on the best overall learning environment for each student. If you would like your child to be considered for a specific classroom, a formal written request must be submitted to the principal. No verbal requests will be accepted. Be sure to describe the learning environment you feel would best be suited for your child. Specific teacher requests are not considered. The deadline to submit your request is May 12th, as class lists are created for the following school year BEFORE the summer break. Please note that the request will be taken into consideration, however placement is not guaranteed.
In order to maintain test security and limit distractions to students; volunteers and visitors are not allowed in the building on state testing days.
The concept of school uniforms is an important part of our philosophy. The wearing of school uniforms by students helps them focus on learning and on the fact that they all belong to the same school family.
The uniform items for girls consists of the ACM plaid jumpers and/or navy pants/skirts/shorts. Girls (K-3) may wear jumpers and skirts/skorts in a dark navy and green plaid that has red and yellow stripes in it, with a white cotton button front shirt. Girls (K-6) may wear dark navy pants/skirts/shorts with a 3-button red short or long-sleeved polo shirt or red turtleneck shirt. A red cardigan completes the look.
- All girls’ skirts/skorts or shorts must be 3 inches above the knee or longer.
- Blouses and shirts must be worn tucked in at all times.
- Belts are to be worn with any shorts/pants that are loose fitting.
- Shoes must be mostly navy, red, white, or black low style with solid rubber bottoms. Boots are not permitted at any time.
- Shoelaces must be solid white, black or navy.
- Socks must be solid navy, white, black or red. Tights must be solid white, navy or red. Hair accessories should be appropriate for school and should match school uniform colors.
The uniform items for boys consist of dark navy pants or shorts, a 3-button short or long-sleeved red polo shirt, or a red turtle neck. Boys may also wear a short or long sleeved, light blue button-down oxford shirt with navy pants/shorts. A red cardigan completes the look.
- Pants should be altered to fit in both length and waist. Baggy pants, or those worn below the natural waist, are not appropriate.
- Belts are to be worn with any pants or shorts that are loose fitting.
- Shirts are to be worn tucked in at all times.
- Shoes must be mostly navy, red, white, or black low style with solid rubber bottoms. Boots are not permitted at any time.
- Shoelaces must be solid white, black or navy.
- Socks must be solid navy, white or black.
Girls & Boys:
- Belts are to be solid black, brown or navy.
- Jewelry items are to be minimized. No oversized/dangling jewelry is to be worn.
- Solid red sweaters/ sweatshirts, or those with the ACM insignia, are allowed to be worn with the uniform. All other jackets, sweaters, etc must be left in students’ lockers during school hours.
- Pants/shorts must be cotton slacks. Denim, corduroy, and sweatpants will not be permitted.
- ACM spirit t-shirts, worn with uniform pants/shorts/skirts, are appropriate for Fridays.
Students who dress their best put their best efforts into learning! We will expect all students to adhere to the uniform policy while at school. Students not complying with the uniform policy will be asked to call home for a change of clothes.
For the safety and protection of all students, visitors must first check in at the office before entering the school. A valid state ID or driver’s license is required each visit. The visitor or volunteer badge must be worn and visible at all times.
To become a RISD parent volunteer, you will need to create a Voly account at risd.voly.org. Volunteers must complete and pass an online background check every year. There are NO Exceptions. Please apply early to be guaranteed approval in time for an event you would like to attend. Any parent wishing to volunteer at ACM must complete the online application. Failure to register in Voly prior to desiring to participate in school activities or field trips will prevent you from participating. Limited volunteers during the school day will be allowed in designated areas that have minimal interaction with students.
School volunteers should go to the RISD website to access the online form for volunteering.
- The volunteer should navigate on the website to “Volunteer Opportunities.” The volunteer form is available in many languages for you to select.
- The form will ask for information such as date of birth, name, gender, ethnicity, address, telephone numbers, and driver’s license or state-issued ID number.
- Volunteers will be able to select schools where they choose to volunteer during the 2022-2023 school year. Be sure to select ACM.
- When you have completed the online application you will receive an email confirmation.
- The data will be submitted to Safe Schools for processing of the criminal background check. The information will come back to HR and the campus and the cleared individuals will be placed on a database within a couple of business days of their submission of the online form.
All students are encouraged to bring a labeled water bottle to school. A reusable water bottle is recommended. The student’s name should be visible. We currently have two filling stations at ACM. Please make sure they can travel in your child’s backpack and are clearly labeled with his/her name. Water bottles should be taken home daily and washed.