MHE Logo-2022

Moss Haven Elementary

22-23 MHE Header.001

Welcome to the Moss Haven Library!

Wendy Knape | 469-593-2200

Welcome to the Moss Haven Elementary Library! My name is Wendy Knape (kuh-nah-pee) and I am the Library and Instructional Technology Educator (LITE). I grew up in Richardson and went through the Richardson High School feeder pattern. I received my undergraduate degree in English from The University of Texas at Austin and my Masters in Library Science from Sam Houston University. I’ve taught for 12 years, previously at J. J. Pearce High School, Richardson High School, and I even spent a year teaching in Japan. I’m an avid reader and supporter of lifelong learning, so I like to create lessons that focus on 21st century skills. If you have any questions, please shoot me an email.

Our Library Catalog

LS2 Kids Catalog

LS2 Catalog