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Stults Road Elementary

School Supply List 24-25


2 boxes of tissue

1 package of large construction manila paper 12 x 18

1 spiral notebook

Ziplock Gallon size

Ziplock Quart size

Glue sticks (4 count)

Jumbo Pencils (Ticonderoga My First Beginner Pencils)

Markers 10 count

Large Crayons 8 count

Regular crayons 16 count

Expo markers

Composition notebook

Headphones with jack connection

Hand sanitizer

1 pocket folder

Colored construction paper

Colored copy paper (small pack)

Packing tape

Scotch tape

Scissors (child-sized)

1 roll of (white) paper towels


4 boxes of tissues

4 hand sanitizer bottles

2 packs of 12 x 18 manila paper

2 boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons

1 box of 10 count Crayola markers

1 box of Crayola color pencils

1 pair of scissors

1 6 pack of Elmer’s glue sticks

1 bottle of Elmer’s glue –


2 packs of Ticonderoga #2


1 pack of dry erase makers

1 pack of large pink erasers

1 pack of colored construction paper

1 plastic pencil box

5 assorted plastic w/ prongs folders

2 Mead primary journal half page ruled writing tablet

1 Crayola watercolor (8 colors)

2 containers of Lysol wipes

I box Ziploc gallon size freezer bags

1 reusable water bottle

I pair of wired headphones


2 boxes of Kleenex

2 boxes 24count of Crayola

1 pkg of #2 jumbo pencils

3 pink erasers

1 pkg of index cards white or colored

1 box of Ziplock bags- Gallon size

2 pkgs of 5 glue sticks – jumbo size

1 pair of scissors

4 plastic folders with brads (yellow, red, green, blue)

3 spiral notebooks (yellow, red, blue)

1 pair of headphones (NO WIRELESS)

4 EXPO dry erasers makers w/ chisel tip (BLACK ONLY)

1 pkg of 4 EXPO dry erasers markers thin tip (BLACK)

2 PRIMARY K-2 composition notebooks

1 supply box


4 boxes facial tissues

3 pink erasers

1 pkg. 12×18 manila paper

2 pkgs 12×18 white construction paper

6 folders w/ brads and pockets-2 each red, yellow & green

1 zipper supply bag

2 box of Crayola 24 count crayons

12 Ticonderoga pencils

1 bottle Elmer’s glue 80z.

1 pair of Fiskar scissors

1 pkg wide ruled notebook paper

3 spiral wide ruled notebooks- 1

each red, blue & green

2 large glue sticks

1 pkg index cards.-

2 boxes of 4 count FINE TIP BLACK  EXPO MARKERS

1 box of sandwich bags

1 box quart size Ziploc baggies


2 Crayola Crayons, (24) count

1 Yellow Highlighters pack of (2)

1 Expo Dry Erase Markers pack of 8 black or multi color

1 Pencils #2 Ticonderoga pack of (24)

1 Erasers pack of (2)

1 Elmer’s Glue Sticks Pack of (4)

1 Fiskars Scissors

1 Pack of Colored pencils

1 Pencil pouch small (No plastic or metal boxes)

4 Spiral or Subject Notebooks, 70pgs 1 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Green, 1 Yellow

4 PLASTIC pronged Folders (2 Yellow/1 Red/1 Orange)

2 reams of copy paper

2 Large Box of Kleenex tissues

Bottle of Hand sanitizer

Disinfectant wipes

1 Headphone with Cord (No wireless)

Water bottle with Spill proof tops



12 or 24 No. 2 pencils, sharpened

1 box of 8 washable markers or 1 pack of color pencils

1 pair of metal round tip blade scissors – kids size

2 boxes of 200 count tissues

2 black dry erase markers

2 black permanent markers

4 composition notebooks

1 pair of earbuds/headphones

1 package of glue sticks 2ct, 3ct, or 6ct

1 box of 24 count crayons

1 package of wide ruled notebook paper

1 3-hole pencil pouch with zipper

1 3-inch 3 ring binder

1 Red checking pen

4 Pocket Folders, Yellow, Green, Red, Blue

1 container of Clorox disinfectant wipes


2 boxes of facial tissues

1 personal size (mini) hand sanitizer

1 water bottle

1 zippered supply bag

2 boxes of 24 count crayons

3 boxes of #2 count pencils

1 personal size (small) pencil sharpener

1 pair of headphones

2 packs of wide ruled notebook paper

2 pocket folders w/prongs (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 green and 1 choice color)

2 spiral notebooks (red & yellow)

2 Composition Journal (Blue & Green)

2 large glue sticks

2 box tall colored pencils

1 pair of (small) scissors

2 highlighters (any color)

2 Black Sharpie Markers

4 Dry Erase Markers (any color)

Gallon & Quart size ziplock bags

Colorful markers

3 big erasers

2 Packs of Disinfecting wipes