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Big Springs Elementary

About Our School

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Welcome to Big Springs, home of the Bobcats!

Big Springs Elementary is one of 41 elementary schools in the Richardson Independent School District, serving nearly 350 students, PreK-6th grade. Our school is a diverse community of students, parents, and staff members, dedicated to helping children become the best they can be. We want to unlock potential, provide opportunities, and enable dreams… for every student. Big Springs has been rated Exemplary by the state of Texas for the past five years and was named a National Blue Ribbon school in 2008.

Big Springs Elementary Statement of Beliefs

The commitment to excellence that is present among students, staff and parents at Big Springs is based on these beliefs:

  • Every child is important.
  • Every child can learn.
  • Every child can experience success.
  • Every child can be responsible.
  • Education is a school-home-community partnership.
  • A positive school and home environment is essential to the learning experience.
  • Teachers and parents promote a desire for learning.
  • Learning is a lifelong process.

All Big Springs students receive instruction in language arts, reading, science, math, social studies, health, physical education, fine arts and study skills. Students have access to iPads in their classrooms as well as computers in the MAC lab and the library. Sixth graders have an additional option for instrumental music. Field trips are a part of the instructional program at all levels.

Big Springs has a fully equipped library staffed by a professional librarian. Students are taught the use of library resources as well as knowledge and appreciation of literature.

A full-time counselor teaches skills in decision making and goal setting, and provides small group and individual counseling for students as needed.

Big Springs History

In 1978 when Big Springs Elementary opened it was only partially completed. K-3 met at Yale Elementary, Grades 4-6 met at Canyon Creek Elementary and the BSE offices were located in the halls of Canyon Creek and in the vault at Yale. By Thanksgiving of that year, the was completed enough to move in. The second phase of construction started in December, 1978 and was not completed until November, 1979. There were approximately 435 students, only 53 less than 2011’s current total of 488. Enrollment reached its highest level in 1997 at 767. The principal was Dr. James A. Smith. BSE has had only five principals in its 40-plus years history, our most recent principal being Mr. Vince Dawes.

Big Springs Mascot and Colors

  • Mascot – Bobcat
  • Colors – Blue & Silver

Big Springs Pledge

At Big Springs we show respect and good manners at all times and care for everyone and everything.