CCE Holiday Cheer

Picture of a collection of toys: a teddy bear, toy truck, rainbow stacking blocks, small toy train, and a bead puzzle maze

There are two weeks left before winter break, but that’s plenty of time to celebrate! Read on to find out how CCE is spending the last bit of school before the break.

Dobie Toy Drive – December 4th – 15th

For the next two weeks, we will be accepting new, unwrapped gifts for the Annual Dobie Toy Drive. Each classroom will have a donation box outside the door! Thank you for helping us give back to the less fortunate in our community.


Any educational games or books for young childrenLego Duplo or other large building block sets
Dress up outfits/costumesMagnetic letters and/or numbers
Board games
(i.e. Memory, Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, Scrabble Jr., Checkers, Hi Ho Cherry-O, Connect Four, Trouble, etc.)
Wooden puzzles or floor puzzles
(large size pieces, 24 pieces and under)
Alphabet gamesMagnetic blocks
Barnyard zoo, house playsetSimple craft sets
Stuffed animalsPlay-dough and play-dough tools
Lacing cardsTrucks/Cars
(i.e. Matchbox, Hot Wheels, remote control, etc.)
Small basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, & Nerf ballsDolls
(i.e. baby dolls, fashion dolls, dress-up dolls)

Dolls representing various cultures preferred
Little girl’s purse or dress-up itemsBooks in Spanish or English
Art setsMarkers/Crayons & Coloring Books
Educational Toys
(i.e. Leap Frog)
Play food sets
Activity play sets – doctor, vet, chef, soldier, etc.
(i.e. Discovery Toys, Fisher Price, Lakeshore, etc.)
Magna-Doodles, Etch-A-Sketch
**Please do not purchase toy weapons**

If you would prefer to shop online and have items shipped to Dobie, we have created an Amazon Wish List:

QR code linked to Amazon wishlist

PTA Holiday Gift Shop – December 12th – 14th

Help make the season bright for CCE students by volunteering for a shift at our PTA Holiday Gift shop Tuesday 12/12, Wednesday 12/13 or Thursday 12/14.

It is so magical to watch the kids light up while thoughtfully purchasing for their loved ones. You won’t want to miss this opportunity for students K-6th.
12/12 and 12/13:

Additional info and shopping times can be found on the PTA website found here or in this week’s and also next week’s Friday packet. The envelopes went home on Friday 12/08.

PTA Website:

Shop StartShop EndTeacherShop StartShop EndTeacherShop StartShop EndTeacher
8:00 AM8:45 AM6th – Bales8:00 AM8:45 AM1st – Ware8:00 AM12:00 PMAnyone who
8:50 AM9:35 AM2nd – Ramsey8:50 AM9:35 AM2nd – Moralesmissed their
9:40 AM10:25 AM5th – M. Taylor9:40 AM10:25 AMK – Calhounclass’s original
10:30 AM11:15 AM5th – Hobbs10:30 AM11:15 AM3rd – Lathamshopping time
11:15 AM12:30 PMCLOSED11:15 AM12:30 PMCLOSEDand teachers.
12:35 PM1:20 PM3rd Montgomery12:35 PM1:20 PMK – R. Taylor
1:25 PM2:10 PM4th – Metzger1:25 PM2:10 PM4th – Patterson
2:15 PM3:00 PM6th – Haick2:15 PM3:00 PM1st – Mayes

Student Council Candy Cane Grams – December 15th

Send a sweet treat & message to your child, their friends, teachers, or their whole class!

Student Council is selling Candy Cane Grams for $1 each. Each child was sent home with 4 Candy Cane Grams last Friday to purchase if you wish. Students can purchase and send grams to friends, teachers, or siblings at school. A candy cane will be attached to each gram. If you want to send a surprise gram to your own child, you can send it in a sealed envelope labeled Candy Grams.

Please send them back by Wednesday, December 13th, filled out with $1 attached to each one that your child would like to purchase. If you need more, please email your child’s teacher and the specific amount that you need to request more.

Candy Cane Grams will be delivered on Friday, December 15th. Proceeds raised will go towards the school.

Questions or concerns? Email any of the Student Council sponsors:,,,,

Coming Soon: December House Party, Holiday Blood Drive, Used Book Fair, and more!

Please help us celebrate students at our House Party on December 15th by coming early at 2:00 pm. We need volunteers to help with 1) making and serving hot chocolate and 2) monitoring and helping with Bingo. Thank you! Sign up to volunteer here.

Sign up for the 2024 CCE Talent Show is officially open until December 15th at 5:00 PM! Click here to sign up an act and to sign up as a participant in an act. This year’s theme is Texas Legends – choose an artist, sports team, person, place or thing that represents Texas. The Talent Show will take place on April 26, 2024.

Give the gift of life this season, and come to Shady’s to participate in our next blood drive! Each donor’s name will be entered into a raffle for some fun local cards! Carter’s BloodCare and all recipients of this gift are incredibly grateful. The blood drive will take place at Shady’s Burgers on Tuesday, December 19th from 12:00 to 5:00 PM. Sign up here:

The RISD Council of PTAs Used Book Fair is coming! Each classroom will be collecting used books, CDs and DVDs the week of January 29th – February 2nd, 2024. The class that collects the most will earn a popcorn party! Collected items will be donated to RISD’s Used Book Fair, which funds scholarships for graduating seniors and continuing education for teachers.

Send us your best snapshots for the yearbook! We need your help to make sure that all students are well represented in this year’s publication. If you’ve taken any photos at school events, in the classroom, or sports events, we’d love to have access to them! FROM YOUR MOBILE DEVICE: Search for Balfour ImageShare in your app marketplace and download the app. Create an account and use our Project Number – 429255. No upload code needed. You may only upload 10 images at a time. You may also email your photos to Please include names, grade level and information including event or activity when emailing.

Keep up with all the latest and upcoming events at CCE by reading the weekly communique here.


Black History Month Graphic

RISD Celebrates Black History Month

As we celebrate Black History Month, let’s educate ourselves and others on the important contributions and achievements of Black Americans throughout history.