Campus Improvement Plan

Site-based decision-making in Richardson Independent School District is a process by which a principal regularly consults the campus-level committee to plan, operate, supervise, and evaluate the campus educational program. Education Code 11.253(h)
The Site-based decision making committee supports the campus principal in the development, implementation and monitoring of the annual campus improvement plan.
Purpose of Site-Based Decision Making Committees
Site-based decision making is a process for decentralizing decisions to improve the educational outcomes at every school campus through a collaborative effort by which principals, teachers, campus staff, students, district staff, parents, and community representatives assess educational outcomes of all students, determine goals and strategies, and ensure that strategies are implemented and adjusted to improve student achievement.
The expected outcome of a site-based decision-making committee is improved student achievement as a result of:
- effective district and campus planning;
- increased community involvement in the school improvement process;
- clearly established accountability objectives for all student groups;
- improved flow of communication and information;
- collaborative decision making; and
- coordination of regular and special programs.
Site-Based Decision-Making Roles and Responsibilities
The role and responsibility of the site-based decision-making team are to provide input to the Principal within the scope of state law and local policy. The function of the SBDM is to collaborate and advise the campus principal in establishing campus goals and plans for improvement. The committee is responsible for the following:
- Campus Goals and Improvement Plans – the committee works in partnership with the Principal to plan annual goals and improvement plans by conducting a campus needs assessment and analyzing performance data.
- Campus Improvement Plan – the committee works in partnership with the Principal to review, revise, and develop the campus improvement plan. Education Code 11.253(c)
- Campus Operations and Functions – the SBDM committee shall be involved in the decisions in the areas of: Education Code 11.251(d)
- campus planning;
- budget;
- curriculum;
- staffing patterns;
- staff development; and
- school organization
- Professional Learning – the SBDM committee, must approve the portions of the campus plan addressing campus staff development (professional learning) needs. Education Code 11.253(e)
- The professional learning must be predominantly campus-based, related to achieving campus performance objectives, and developed and approved by the SBDM committee.
Want to Help with the Site Based Survey?
- By Laws
- Committee Member list, including officers
- Campus Improvement Plan
- RISD Academy Targeted Improvement Plans 2024-25