Updated Dress Code Information

Previously, uniforms were provided for students. Due to a reallocation of funding, we will no longer offer students two free uniforms for the school year. Parents are allowed to buy uniforms for students if they so choose. If not, please see the below Dress Code.

  • Pants, skirts, and dresses with no holes.
  • Shirts with sleeves
  • Shoes appropriate for PE and Recess
  • Uniforms can be worn if the parent chooses
  • Shorts, skirts, or dresses 3” above the knee
  • Pajama pants, skating shoes, or slippers are not allowed.
  • No hoodies ( Sweaters are appropriate).
This is a picture of examples of dress code with examples of what articles of clothing are appropriate to wear.
This is a picture of dress code examples that show which articles of clothing would not be appropriate to wear