The results of the National Latin Exam are in! Our Wildcats who tested were joined by over 100,000 others from all 50 states and 26 other countries (Australia, Belgium, Belize, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korea, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, and the United Kingdom). Thank you, Laura Schryver (Latin 1, Latin 2, Advanced Latin 3, AP Latin, and AP Art/Speech), for your hard work and time with our Wildcats in Latin!
Congratulations to the following Wildcats on their success and hard work!
- Channing Black – Silver Medal, Maxima Cum Laude
- Ellie Brown – Gold Medal, Summa Cum Laude (10 points above the National average!)
- Beautiful Galloway – Magna Cum Laude
- Kira Harvey – Cum Laude
- Mariam Khoshal – Cum Laude
- Sarah Petty – Silver Medal, Maxima Cum Laude
- Camila Ruvalcaba – Magna Cum Laude
- Mary Blinn Schieffer – Silver Medal, Maxima Cum Laude
- Freddy Somers – Cum Laude
- Clara Trelford – Magna Cum Laude
- Alexandra Wagliardo – Cum Laude
- Brooklyn Walker – Magna Cum Laude
- Harper Wirtz – Magna Cum Laude