North Star Goal
Every student, teacher, and leader will meet or exceed their academic growth goals.
School News & Updates

RISD Celebrates Black History Month
As we celebrate Black History Month, let’s educate ourselves and others on the important contributions and achievements of Black Americans throughout history.

RISD Council of PTAs Used Book Fair
Great deals for a great cause.

Superintendent Message on Safe Schools
RISD Parents, RISD is committed to providing a safe and nurturing school environment that promotes student academic growth.

Course Registration: What You Need to Know
Students in grades 5 (Lake Highlands Learning Community) & 6-11 are gearing

District Forming Bond Steering Committee & Two Others
District stakeholders interested in committee service are encouraged to learn more.

Voly Update
As the spring semester begins, there are many opportunities to volunteer in Richardson ISD, such as field trips, class parties, end-of-the-year field days, assisting in classrooms, and so much more.