College and Career Fair

Pearce Commons

Open to ALL Pearce students and parents. Visit with over 60 college, military and career reps. Junior parents are invited to stay after for a Parent Meeting from 7-8pm in the library.

Blood Drive

Pearce High School

Click here to sign up. Thank you for your support! Questions: Email Deanna Koenigsberg.

RISD Country Western Dance Off

Berkner HS Auditorium 1600 E Spring Valley Rd, Richardson, TX

Join us as we celebrate 20 years- Mustang Stampede, Richardson Desperados, Berkner Ramblers & Lake Highlands Wranglers.  Tickets are $5. Proceeds benefitting the Jordon Lenamon Foundation.

Athletic Letterman Jacket Orders

Pearce Commons

SSR will be taking Athletic Letterman Jacket Orders during lunch in the Commons on Thursday, April 3rd. Please pick up an order packet UPSTAIRS in the MAC to review with a parent BEFORE April 3rd.  If you are unsure if you earned a letter, please check with your head coach.

Dress Boutique: RISD Council of PTAs

Greenwood Hills Learning Center 1313 Westshore, Richardson

Dresses and suits available for RISD students. Park in the back for entrance.

25-26 Student Physicals

Pearce MAC

All Pearce HS, North JH and Parkhill JH students. 7:00am- Football 7:30am- Boys Basketball, Baseball, Boys Soccer, Wrestling 8:00am-Boys Track, Boys Swimming & Diving, Boys Golf, Boys Tennis, Boys Cross Country 8:30am-Volleyball, Girls Basketball, Girls Tennis, Girls Track, Girls Cross Country 9:00am- Girls Soccer, Girls Golf, Softball, Stampede, Band 9:30am-Girls Swimming & Diving, Cheerleaders, Pacesetters […]

Pearce Parent Book Club

We will read Say You'll Remember Me by Abby Jimenez . If you are interested in hosting, please email Ms. Osborne,