PHS Final Exam Exemption Policy 2023-2024


The following students can be exempted from taking a final exam:

  • Seniors in senior-level classes
  • 9th-12th grade students in AP classes
  • Students in STAAR-EOC tested classes


In order to be exempted from an exam, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Students must have 5 or fewer documented tardies in the class for Semester 2. 
  • Students must have 4 or fewer excused absences for Semester 2.
    • No unexcused absences.
  • Students must not have been placed in ISS, OSS, or CMLC for Semester 2.
  • Minimum grade requirements: 
    • All students must have a final year grade of a 80 or higher.
    • On-level STAAR-EOC and Senior Classes must have a 80 or higher for S2.
    • Advanced and AP classes must have an 80 or higher for S2. (Not including quality points).
    • Students in STAAR-EOC classes must have been present and sat for their STAAR-EOC exam.
  • In AP Classes, students must sit for AP exam. 



  • Attendance is required for all students on exam days regardless of exemption status. 
  • Students may choose to take any final exam, if desired.
  • AP teachers may have additional requirements for exemption.
  • Absences that do NOT count against students for exemption:
    • “M”- Documented medical appointments
    • “S”- Documented school-related absences
    • “R”- Documented religious holidays
    • “C”- Documented college visits (11th and 12th graders)
    • “QE”- Documented quarantine excused days



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