Tuesday, March 25 On Tuesday, March 25th, our 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students will be taking one of 3 very important exams. Click here to find the schedule for the day. For Parents: -Because of the importance of these exams, we are unable to interrupt testing environments (except for emergency situations). -For this reason, please avoid scheduling appointments or picking students up from school early on this day. -Students will not have access to their email or cell phones while testing is in progress. If you have an emergency or need to get an urgent message to your student, please call the main office. -If your student brings lunch to school, please be sure to send lunch with your student on this day. We will not be able to deliver lunches to testing rooms and students will not be allowed to leave their testing room to get their lunch from the office. All students who are testing need to: –Bring their student ID badge or other photo ID. –Bring a charged chromebook. Note: These tests cannot be taken on personal computers. –Report to their testing rooms by 8:55 AM. TSIA Testers: -Will have lunch in the commons as usual during the lunch shifts on the schedule. -Food and drink are not allowed in the testing room while testing occurs. -More specific information will be provided to senior testers and parents regarding their testing schedule. ACT Testers: -Will eat lunch in their testing rooms. -Students may bring their lunch or may order a sack lunch from the cafeteria. -Students will NOT be allowed to pick up a lunch from the front office. Please be sure your students has their lunch whenever they arrive at school for the day. -May bring a quiet snack to eat during designated breaks only. Thank you for your help in supporting our goal to ensure that all students who graduate from Pearce High School are college- and/or career- ready! Click here for more information regarding CCMR. Questions about 9th and 10th grade TSIA or ACT? Contact kallie.furgeson@risd.org Questions about 12th grade TSIA? Contact candace.carollo@risd.org |

Wrestling Team Fundraiser
Learn how the wrestling team can help you and you can help them in return!!