North Star Goal
Every student, teacher, and leader will meet or exceed their academic growth goals.

School News & Updates

Spirit Eagles is an adaptive cheer program for 9-12 graders with and without a disability. Please fill out this form so we can get in touch with you! There will be an information meeting at the end of this school year and we will meet during advisory in the 24'- 25' year! NO CHEER EXPERIENCE NEEDED AND NO COST TO BE A PART OF IT!

Come Join Spirit Eagles

Spirit Eagles is an adaptive cheer program for 9-12 graders with and without a disability. Please fill out this form so we can get in touch with you!

The state Japanese Speech Contest

“Four students from Richardson High School participated.
In the Poetry category, Henry Gray placed 3rd, and in the Haiku category, Aayan Mithani also placed 3rd.
Keegan Nash and Ike Fallin delivered outstanding speeches. “

JROTC James M. Logan RISD Drill, Academic, and Physical Fitness District Competition.

This past weekend’s James M. Logan RISD Drill Competition was Hosted at Lake Highlands by their JROTC Program. Our Eagle team came together and won First in three of the five areas this year making our Richardson High School JROTC the overall winner. Great JOB Team. The areas for District Competition were Academic, Physical male and female Fitness teams, and Color Guard team.


Need Help With 2025-26 Enrollment?

RISD is offering in-person enrollment help sessions in every learning community through the end of the school year. Reserve Your 2025-26 Seat Today!

Why Fine Arts Matters to Me graphic

Fine Arts Appreciation Month

Fine Arts are an integral part of the RISD experience. March is a time to celebrate the many achievements of district Fine Arts students and staff, and also an opportunity to thank the RISD community for making such a strong commitment to the arts possible.

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AVID National Demonstration Schools are centers of teaching and learning that also serve as models for those interested in learning about the AVID College Readiness System. They clearly demonstrate an ongoing pursuit of excellence, both in the AVID Elective and AVID Schoolwide, to ensure college and career readiness for all AVID Elective students and improved academic performance for all students based on increased opportunities and support for success.

A National Demonstration School exhibits a college and career readiness system that is evident across the campus through rigor and high expectations for all students. There is significant evidence of AVID impact schoolwide, particularly with the infusion of AVID methodologies in content-area classrooms.

The power of AVID Secondary is the ability to impact students in the AVID Elective class and all students throughout the campus. AVID Secondary can have an effect on the entire school by providing classroom activities, teaching practices, and academic behaviors that can be incorporated into any classroom to improve engagement and success for all students.