Campus Recognition – Archer

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James Archer

Archer is a wonderful young man who is always willing to lend a helping hand. He applied to and was accepted into our inaugural Eagle Flight Advisory program as a Flight Instructor.

On the third day of school, I enrolled a young man from Yemen who spoke only Arabic. He was very nervous about starting school and needed a tour during advisory, when we do not have student aides in the counseling office. When I approached our Eagle Flight Instructors asking if anyone spoke Arabic, I quickly discovered that none did. Then I asked the group if anyone was willing to give our new student and his parents a tour.

Archer’s hand was the first to shoot into the air. Luckily, the father of our new student spoke English, so this was not a problem. Later in the day, I found out that the parents requested Archer to walk the new student to each class and take him to the correct bus after school. Archer did as he was asked and was only too happy to do it.


RHS TAFE come back with National Qualifiers and State Winners

Richardson High Teaching Internship students competed in the TAFE

Richardson High Teaching Internship students competed in the TAFE (Texas Association of Future Educators) state competition and have come back with National Qualifiers (going to Nationals in June), State Winners (top award for this division and does not have Nationals category), and lots of awards and medals!


Open House Postponed

Due to the cold weather conditions and in consideration of everyone’s safety, we regret to inform you that the upcoming Open House scheduled for tonight from 6 – 8 PM has been postponed. Plans to make up the open house will be shared at a later date.

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CTE Month in RISD

Learn more about the extensive industry-based career exploration and preparation programs available in RISD.