Our RISD FIRST Robotics teams, The Cybirds #8874 and The P-51 Mustangs #1745, hosted their Second Annual Pancake Breakfast and Competition Robot Reveal this week in the Eagle’s Nest. Students have designed, prototyped, fabricated, constructed, programmed, and integrated an original robot design over the last 8 weeks. The Cybirds and The P-51 Mustangs will compete this weekend in their FIRST District Event in Waco. Both teams will also compete at local events in the coming weeks, The P-51 Mustangs in Plano – March 9th & 10th, and The Cybirds in Dallas – March 22nd & 23rd. Performance at these events will determine the teams’ advancement to competitions at the state and then international levels. The teams are supported through a partnership between RISD and Richardson Area Wide Robotics, our local 501(c)3 non-profit.

“Please congratulate the following students and wish them luck:
Thatcher Bartlett – Professional Selling
Lucy Fisk- Hospitality & Tourism Professional Selling
Kirah Geffert – GOLD SBE Food Operation (Representing our RHS Store The Perch (The Cookies & Chick-fil-a)
Sean Fletcher- GOLD SBE Retail Services (Representing our NEWEST Store The Roost”