GoGuardian Parent App Available for Secondary Parents

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Are you an RISD secondary parent?  Don’t forget about GoGuardian Parent!  GoGuardian mobile app is designed to provide parents and guardians with insight and control over their student’s online activity when using school-managed devices and accounts. 

The GoGuardian Parent app provides an overview of your children’s online activity on school-managed devices and accounts, including all of the apps, extensions, documents, and websites your student has visited. 

Secondly, GoGuardian Parent provides you with an additional set of internet controls that you can set for out-of-school hours.

What is included in this app:

  • Top 5 overview of your student’s online activity
  • Any teacher interventions related to your student’s online activity
  • 30-day overview of your student’s online activity
  • Ability to block websites on school-issued devices during out-of-school hours
  • Ability to pause internet access on school-issued devices during out-of-school hours, either on-demand or at a scheduled time

For first time parent-users, you can access the app by following these instructions:

  1. Download the app via Apple Store or via Google Play Store
  2. After the app is successfully downloaded and installed, open it and enter the email address registered with the primary parent associated with the student Focus account. It must be the email listed with Focus that is typically provided during online enrollment. You must be able to access this primary parent email to continue.  
  3. Check your email on your phone for a link to log in to the app. Tap the “verify your email,” and it will take you straight to the app. Note: If you don’t have access to your email through the device you used to log in, tap on “log in with verification code,” and copy and paste the verification code from the email into the app.

RISD is unable to troubleshoot the GoGuardian app. Please use the GoGuardian website to get answers (FAQ).  

RISD can help with parent accounts being associated with their students. Only Priority 1, 2 and 3 parent emails listed in Focus – parents who have educational rights to view student information – can receive GoGuardian Parent access, without exception. GoGuardian Parent accounts for newly enrolled students will become active on the Friday of the week enrollment is complete. 

Any questions or issues with student account association should be directed to RISD tech support to be manually verified (469-593-HELP or technologysupportcenter@risd.org). 




“Please congratulate the following students and wish them luck:

Thatcher Bartlett – Professional Selling
Lucy Fisk- Hospitality & Tourism Professional Selling
Kirah Geffert – GOLD SBE Food Operation (Representing our RHS Store The Perch (The Cookies & Chick-fil-a)
Sean Fletcher- GOLD SBE Retail Services (Representing our NEWEST Store The Roost”

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