JROTC James M. Logan RISD Drill, Academic, and Physical Fitness District Competition.

This past weekend’s James M. Logan RISD Drill Competition was Hosted at Lake Highlands by their JROTC Program.

Our Eagle team came together and won First in three of the five areas this year making our Richardson High School JROTC the overall winner. Great JOB Team. The areas for District Competition were Academic, Physical Fitness teams male and female , and Color Guard team.

Our Victorious Teams were comprised of the Following Cadets.
Color Guard team
C/SSG Mara Horton (Team Captain), C/2LT Wendy Hernandez, C/PFC Jazmine (Jazzy) Garcia, and C/PFC Katherine Canary.

Female PT Team, Victory two years running
C/2LT Wendy Hernandez, (Team Captain), C/PFC Jolie Bowden, C/CPL Ray Perez, and C/PFC Alejandra Bautista.

Academic Team Victory With the Heavy hitters again this year three years running. Cora Davies (Team Captain), C/LTC Yodhaakshaya Ghattamaneni, C/CPT Ethan Klausing, and C/PVT Samin Shahriyar

Our Cadets were challenged with the following 110 questions timed. The breakdown of the tests were 100 as an individual and 100 as a team timed. This is the Third time they have won this spectacular event. Questions were taken from the study materials listed below.

SAT Math questions will be taken from previous SAT Math No Calculator Tests
United States History questions will be taken from previous US History STAAR Tests
Current Events Questions will be taken from stories in major nationwide news outlets written within two weeks of the competition date
Military Customs and Courtesies questions will be taken from All five of our Leadership Education and training textbooks
Drill and Ceremony questions will be taken from Chapter 3 Lesson 2 of the LET 1 textbook
JLAB competition USAA Financial Planning lessons and videos.

Cadet Challenge Physical Fitness Teams.
Our young ladies team won 1ST in the Athletic competition. This event is comprised of three events. The Pushups and curl up will be completed in one minute for each then followed by a 4X100 relay race.

Drill Competition
They really worked hard. They were challenged with 100 Drill specific questions coupled with uniform inspections. they then proceed to 40 command sequence marching event that will be executed in a 60’ x 60’ drill pad.

Details of what the team must do to compete:
The inspection of the Color Guard will take place before entering the drill pad with the colors and rifles. Uniforms will be inspected and asked a series of questions from 100 question study guide. During the inspection the Color Guard will be wearing everything it needs for competition (carriers, gloves, etc.) The Color Guard will begin outside the drill pad at Order Colors. The commander of the Color Guard, when signaled by the Head Judge, directs his/her unit to enter the drill competition area. The bearer of the National Colors is giving the commands. There’s a total of 40 sequence of drill commands memorized by the team.

Give them and SHOUT OUT when you see them.

Thanks for all your support to these Cadets. 1SG Herron, thanks for all your constant support and dedication to these teams. SHOUT OUT TO YOU.


Richardson Girls Soccer 2025 Bi-District Champions

Richardson girls soccer has had a very successful year. Led by 13 seniors, this team qualified for the UIL playoffs in Division 1 of 6A. The girls won the Bi-District Championship by defeating Arlington Martin HS 1-0 on Friday night (3/21).

The state Japanese Speech Contest

“Four students from Richardson High School participated.
In the Poetry category, Henry Gray placed 3rd, and in the Haiku category, Aayan Mithani also placed 3rd.
Keegan Nash and Ike Fallin delivered outstanding speeches. “

JROTC James M. Logan RISD Drill, Academic, and Physical Fitness District Competition.

This past weekend’s James M. Logan RISD Drill Competition was Hosted at Lake Highlands by their JROTC Program. Our Eagle team came together and won First in three of the five areas this year making our Richardson High School JROTC the overall winner. Great JOB Team. The areas for District Competition were Academic, Physical male and female Fitness teams, and Color Guard team.