We’re excited to welcome our new students and their families to Richardson High School! Freshman Orientation is a fantastic opportunity to get acquainted with our school community, explore the various programs and activities we offer, and start the school year with confidence. Here are the details for this important event:
Date and Location:
When: August 1st, 2024
Where: Richardson High School Auditorium
6:00 to 6:30 PM:
Information Sessions and Meet the RHS Administration
Start your evening by meeting our dedicated RHS administration. This session will provide essential information about the upcoming school year, school policies, and the resources available to support your child’s education.
6:30 to 8:00 PM:
This is a great time for students to explore all that RHS has to offer! Visit booths showcasing our clubs and organizations, Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, and other extracurricular activities. This will also be an opportunity for students to focus on their schedules and locate their classes, ensuring a smooth first day.
While students are exploring, parents are invited to stay in the RHS auditorium for a Q&A session with Principal Choat and our counseling department. This session is designed to address any questions or concerns you may have, providing insights into how we support student success and well-being at RHS.
Why Attend?
Freshman Orientation is an invaluable event for both students and parents. For students, it’s a chance to get a head start on navigating the school environment, learning about extracurricular opportunities, and connecting with peers. For parents, it’s an opportunity to engage with school leadership, gain a deeper understanding of our educational approach, and ensure your child is set up for a successful year.
We look forward to seeing you there and kicking off the school year together! If you have any questions before the event, please feel free to reach out to the RHS administration office.
Go Eagles!
Save the Date:
August 1st, 2024
Richardson High School Auditorium
Let’s make this school year the best one yet!