The halls of Richland Elementary School were filled with music and joy as our talented third graders presented their musical production of “Go Fish” this November. Under the direction of music teachers Dylan Kirk and Hannah Hatfield, the students spent two months preparing for this special event, delivering two remarkable performances – an evening show for families on November 21 and a student showcase on November 22.
The production was truly a community effort, bringing together students and staff in a wonderful display of creativity and collaboration. Executive Assistant Trina Fear crafted the costumes, while School Data Specialist Felisha Jacobs and PE Coach Joslyn Blocker created a stunning balloon arch for the set. Speech Language Pathologist Taylor Duggan captured the magical moments through photos and video, and Art Teacher Lesley Clover-Brown worked with the third graders to design their own fish artwork for the set, including a specially made “Go Fish” sign.
What made this production particularly special was seeing students transform on stage. Many typically quiet students found their spotlight moment, demonstrating confidence and talent that amazed both teachers and families alike. The musical provided an excellent opportunity for our students to explore their artistic abilities while building self-confidence and public speaking skills.
The performances drew enthusiastic audiences of both parents and fellow students, creating memorable moments for our entire school community. The success of “Go Fish” demonstrates how the arts can bring out the best in our students while fostering valuable connections between school and home.