
DME Lunch Schedule

Grade Lunch Time
Pre-K / ECSE 10:50 - 11:20
Kinder 11:05 - 11:35
1st Grade 11:00 - 11:30
2nd Grade 11:25 - 11:55
3rd Grade 11:35 - 12:05
4th Grade 11:50 - 12:20
5th Grade 12:00 - 12:30
6th Grade 12:15 - 12:45

Dartmouth Cafeteria


  • Students may go through the cafeteria line to get food or bring a lunch from home.
  • Meals, additional entrees, and snacks are available for purchase during lunch time
  • RISD offers free or reduced lunch prices for students that qualify
  • Students will use an ID on a lanyard to scan for lunch and library to avoid touching checkout surfaces
  • If you are dropping off your child’s lunch box, please use the cart in the front air lock. Must be dropped off by 10:30am.
  • No lunch visitors during the first few weeks of school. (See below for updated lunch visitor info.)


  • Breakfast is available for purchase from 7:30am-7:50am
  • RISD offers free or reduced breakfast prices for students that qualify.
  • Students should bring their backpacks to their classroom first and pick up their lanyard with ID Badge


  • Daily snacks should be healthy in nature. Please do not send snacks that require utensils or could cause a mess. Students often eat a snack while working independently.


  • If you want to drop off edible or non edible items for ALL the students in your child’s classroom, please contact your child’s teacher in advance.
    • Some classrooms may have allergies
    • Teachers might prefer treats to be brought only at the very end of the day, etc.

Payment Options:

  • Payment should be loaded onto the students account so that they can scan their ID badge at lunch without needing to handle money
    • Money can be added online with a credit card using the PayPAMS website
    • Money can be added in person with cash or check (no credit cards) – please send cash/check in an envelope with your child’s name on it for them to bring to the cafeteria at the beginning of the day.


  • Interactive nutritional menus for breakfast and lunch can be found on the RISD Child Nutrition website 

Lunch Visitors:

Starts Week of September 11

*Who can visit a student at lunch?

Parents/Guardians or Grandparents

*When can lunch visitors come for lunch?

Due to limited space in the cafeteria, lunch visitors can come on the assigned day of their students’ grade level. Lunch visitors should be sure they are coming during their students’ assigned lunch time. See days and times below.

  • Mondays: ECSE, PK and 3rd Grade visitors
  • Tuesdays: Kinder and 4th Grade visitors
  • Wednesdays: 1st Grade and 5th Grade visitors
  • Thursdays: 2nd Grade and 6th Grade visitors

*Where will lunch visitors sit with their students?

Lunch visitors will sit with their students at the visitors’ tables right in front of the stage or right in front of the Duck Dollar Store. Visitors will not sit with the class.

*How and when should lunch visitors arrive and leave?

Lunch visitors must sign in at the front office 5-10 minutes prior to the students’ assigned lunch time. All lunch visitors must bring a valid ID to show at check-in to receive a Visitor’s Sticker. When the assigned lunch time is over, lunch visitors should go directly to the front office to sign out.

*What can lunch visitors bring?

Lunch visitors may bring lunch for themselves and for their student. They may not bring food to other students. We cannot accept lunch deliveries from 3rd parties (ex. Uber Eats, Jimmy Johns, Domino’s, etc.)

* Can I attend my student’s lunch on his/her birthday?

Yes, even if it is outside of the days listed below. Lunch visitors may not bring birthday treats for students other than their own student during lunch time.