Message from Ms. Erickson

Photo of Ms. Erickson

Dear Audelia Creek Family,

It has been an honor and privilege to lead Audelia Creek these last three years. I write to you today to inform you that I will be joining another RISD elementary campus to serve as principal. This was a very difficult decision to make, because Audelia Creek means so much to me.  

I  will always treasure the many fond memories of the students, parents, family members, and staff. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your child’s principal. I wish you all health, happiness, and endless success in the future.


Sharon Erickson

Estimada Familia de Audelia Creek:

Ha sido un honor y un privilegio estar al frente de Audelia Creek estos últimos tres años. Les escribo hoy para informarles que estaré uniéndome a otro plantel de RISD para servir como directora. Esta fue una decisión muy difícil por el significado que Audelia Creek tiene para mí.

Siempre atesoraré los bonitos recuerdos de los alumnos, padres, familiares y personal. Gracias por brindarme la oportunidad de ser la directora de sus hijos. Les deseo salud, felicidad, y un sinfín de éxito en el futuro.


Sharon Erickson


Why Fine Arts Matters to Me graphic

Fine Arts Appreciation Month

Fine Arts are an integral part of the RISD experience. March is a time to celebrate the many achievements of district Fine Arts students and staff, and also an opportunity to thank the RISD community for making such a strong commitment to the arts possible.