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CTE Month in RISD

Learn more about the extensive industry-based career exploration and preparation programs available in RISD.

Black History Month Graphic

RISD Celebrates Black History Month

As we celebrate Black History Month, let’s educate ourselves and others on the important contributions and achievements of Black Americans throughout history.

Voly Graphic

Voly Update

As the spring semester begins, there are many opportunities to volunteer in Richardson ISD, such as field trips, class parties, end-of-the-year field days, assisting in classrooms, and so much more.

Young learners at Audelia Creek transformed their reading classrooms into hospitals and were fully immersed in their learning! Learners effectively collaborated to deepen their understanding of the skeletal system and human body making real world connections! #RISDInTheClassroom

RISD In the Classroom

Young learners at Audelia Creek transformed their reading classrooms into hospitals and were fully immersed in their learning! Learners effectively collaborated to deepen their understanding of the skeletal system and human body making real world connections!