Enrollment begins Tuesday, February 27, 2024! Reserve your seat and be on the lookout for information heading home.

Elementary Early Release Feb. 13
Elementary Early Release Feb. 13
Enrollment begins Tuesday, February 27, 2024! Reserve your seat and be on the lookout for information heading home.
Elementary Early Release Feb. 13
As we celebrate Black History Month, let’s educate ourselves and others on the important contributions and achievements of Black Americans throughout history.
RISD Parents, RISD is committed to providing a safe and nurturing school environment that promotes student academic growth.
North Star Goal – Every student, teacher, and leader will meet or exceed their academic growth goals.
700 Dover Dr.
Richardson, TX 75080
For general inquiries, please contact the campus directly. If you have questions or feedback about this website, please email the Campus Webmaster.
400 South Greenville
Richardson, Texas 75080