MST the Place to Be for


The human brain is hard-wired for math.  Math is a brain function that we use daily to discern the speed of an object coming our way or to make sure we have received the right amount of change at the grocery store.  Math is where the concepts of symbols and language, conceptual and applied learning meet in the way that we can read a math problem and discern its functions.  

  • We often utilize manipulatives so that students can visualize the concepts of math in a tangible way.
  • Students employ a variety of learning approaches, including verbal communication, kinesthetic activities, recording videos, acting-out scenarios to convey their comprehension of mathematical concepts.
  • Cross-curricular activities promote real-world integration of math concepts.
  • Coding fosters the opportunity for students to use sequencing, to gain skills in visualizing processes, to compare expected results with tangible evidence, then to make adjustments.  These are inherent methods used in mathematics:  we review the sequence of symbols and numbers, we visualize formulas to solve for results, we proceed step-by-step through the solution and verify our answers, then make adjustments.
  • Science and engineering are fields that require collaboration, so we give our students opportunities to work together on math and science problems in the classroom and in our state-of-the art STEM learning labs.

MST the Place to Be for


  • Every student participates in schoolwide Design Days every semester, where hands-on, real-world STEM challenges connect students with science and math career exploration.
  • MST leadership and staff consistently utilize student products to reflect, refine and reimagine the learning opportunities we create for our students.
  • Students use our outdoor learning garden and science labs as a meaningful way to apply what they are learning about their world, its Biology, Geology, weather and various scientific functions.
  • Instead of sharing a science lab for instruction, every 5th and 6th grade classroom is a science lab.
The MST garden
  • Teachers and students collect data on the frequency of learning on iPads.  They then scientifically analyze and find a positive correlation with iPads on learning, as shown below.  
Elements of student learning by frequency

MST the Place to Be for


  • We see ourselves as trailblazers for the District with the use of technology in the classrooms.  
  • We were first in the District to deploy 1-to-1 student devices.
  • We pilot a variety of digital tools to determine efficacy and impact on student engagement and understanding.
  • Learning at MST is a student-centered experience that allows students to drive their educational journey as they find opportunities for voice, choice, and student agency.
  • We routinely design instruction to allow students to set goals, problem-solve, and monitor their progress through digital feedback.
  • We maintain a culture of risk-taking and creative problem-solving.  A huge part of the MST culture is one of being comfortable failing and revising to try again.  This is evidenced in classrooms every day as students journey from their comfort zones through challenge-based, creative tasks, as well as through schoolwide design days where students work in groups to solve challenges utilizing a design-thinking model.
  • We make room for student voice and agency.
  • MST students have choices in how and where they learn, going much further than simply offering choice boards and flexible seating.
  • After learning new concepts, students select the best tools and applications to apply their learning or to teach their peers, using iMovie, Clips, Pages, Keynote, GarageBand, Numbers, and AR Makr.

MST students have the opportunity to explore coding through the campus K-2 and 3-6 STEM labs,  where they use various apps for hands-on learning.

  • Ozobots
  • Robotics
  • Bee Bots
  • Dash Robots
  • Squish Circuits
  • Swift Playground
  • Octostudio Coding
  • 1:1 iPad 7th generation for teachers and students
  • 1:1 Logitech Crayon for all staff and students
  • Apple TV in all classrooms
  • 100% of instructional staff are Apple Teacher Certified.
  • We have two Apple Learning Coaches.

MST the Place to Be for


Science ● Technology ● Engineering ● Math

  • National STEM Certification – NISE
  • STEM Classes
  • Outdoor Learning
  • Schoolwide Design Challenge Days

Our Mission

Through the process of inquiry, MST Magnet develops intrinsically motivated students who are innovative problem solvers in a dynamic community.

Our Vision

MST focuses on STEM integration and authentic technology experiences.  As a Nationally Certified STEM Campus (2020) and AVID Elementary School, we consistently plan for the seamless integration of technology to develop in students the 21st century skills of communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.  Focus on the 4 C’s equips our students with skills needed to learn and grow in school and beyond.  Our students enjoy unparalleled opportunities to explore technology, systems of inquiry, logic and reasoning through relevant, meaningful, real-world learning experiences so that all White Tigers reach their full potential.
