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Northrich Elementary

Site Based Decision Making Committee Members & By-Laws

Committee Members

  • Principal – Emily Lawrence
  • Teachers – Ruby Monzon, Madison Nikolas, Grace Urbanus, Missy Lofton
  • Non-Teaching Professional Staff Member – Ross Ferrans
  • District Rep – Hollie Harrison
  • Parents – Meredith McDaniel, Megan Starnes
  • Community Members – Marcia Grau
  • Business Community Members – Ron Evans, Joel Smith

Campus By-Laws

Article I - Name

The campus‐level team shall be known as the Northrich Elementary Site‐Based Decision-Making Team.

Article II - Purpose

The purpose of the  Northrich Elementary Site‐Based Decision‐Making Team is to improve the level of student achievement for all students at  Northrich Elementary School.

Article III - Membership

Section 1 - Size and Composition

The Northrich Elementary Site-Based Decision-Making team must have a core group of 15 members.

The CORE group of fifteen members shall be established annually, no later than Labor Day of each school year, and will consist of:

  • The campus principal
  • Six classroom teachers (nominated and elected by teachers only to serve on the Site‐Based Decision-Making Team, with the elected supervised by the Principal and members of the Site‐Based Decision-Making Team). Teachers are professional personnel with classroom teaching responsibilities of at least four hours during the instructional day.
  • One campus-based non-teaching professional staff member (nominated and elected by non-teaching professional staff only with the elected supervised by the Principal and members of the Site‐Based Decision-Making Team). Campus-based non-teaching professional staff includes those who hold a professional certificate but do not teach for at least four hours during the instructional day.
  • One district-level professional staff member (nominated and elected by professional staff with the elected supervised by the Principal and members of the Site‐Based Decision-Making Team). A district-level staff member is one who serves multiple campuses.
  • Two parents (elected by parents only with the election to be supervised by the campus parent group; membership in the campus parent group is not required). A parent is a person who is a parent of, or who stands in parental relation to, a student enrolled at the campus.
  • Two community members (selected by the Principal and elected members). Community members must reside in the district and must be at least 18 years of age. [Education Code 11.251(c)(4)]. They must not be a parent or a District employee. They must be representative of the community’s diversity.
  • Two business community members (selected by the Principal and elected members). Business representatives need not reside in nor operate businesses in the district. [Education Code 11.251(b)] They should be representative of the community’s diversity.
  • In addition, individuals, as determined by the fifteen core members, may be added so that all the school’s major constituent groups are adequately represented (i.e. classroom teachers, parents, teacher assistants, other support personnel, community and/or business representatives, and/or students); however, the overall committee shall be balanced with no one constituent group over‐represented on the committee. The core group of fifteen shall ensure that racial and gender diversity is reflected on the team.
  • At least two‐thirds of team members who represent campus-based selected staff must be teachers (professional personnel with classroom teaching responsibilities for at least four hours of the instructional day).

The Principal shall furnish an up‐to‐date list of names and addresses of all members on the Site‐Based Decision-Making Team to the Superintendent or designee no later than 15 working days after Labor Day.

When team members are added or replaced during the school year, the Principal is responsible within 15 working days for sending to the Superintendent or designee an updated list with the names and addresses of new members.

Section 2 - Elections

Parent Representatives

The predominant parent group supervises the election of parent representatives.

The predominant parent PTA group supervises the election of parent representatives. PTA will publicize the information. Voting will be conducted through a Google Form in May for the following school year.

Teacher Representatives, Campus‐Based Non‐teaching Professional Staff Member, and District‐Level Professional Staff Member.

The election of teacher representatives of the campus‐based professional staff member and the district‐level professional staff member is supervised by the Principal and members of the Site‐Based Decision-Making Team. Teachers vote for teachers, campus-based professional staff members vote for the campus‐based professional staff representative and all professional staff vote for the district‐level professional staff member. The Site‐Based Decision-Making Team shall elect the Site‐Based Decision-Making Team representative among the Site‐Based Decision-Making Team faculty member representatives.

The Northrich Administration will publicize the SBDM committee and upcoming elections. Admin will send an Interest Survey sent to District employees. Google Form to be utilized for voting.

Section 3 - Terms

The length of the term will be for a period of 2 years. ½ of each Committee group will rotate. There is no limit to the number of terms a member can serve. Terms will be staggered, where a few team members are elected every year. 

Section 4 - Officers (Co-Chaired by the Principal)

The officers needed are Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Timekeeper. Officers are selected by self-nomination. The SBDM will vote using a majority vote. Officers will be elected in the first meeting of the school year. The length of term for each officer will be 1 year. 

Chair – Lyndsey Gammaro 

  • Prepares committee meeting agendas with the assistance of the Principal
  • Guides meetings and encourages input from all members

 Vice-Chair – Ron Evans

  • Performs Chair’s duties in his/her absence
  • Serves as the chair of the Evaluation and Modification Committee

 Secretary – Yolanda Ellis

  • Prepares and maintains minutes of committee meetings
  • Maintains committee membership roster and by-laws

 Timekeeper – Megan Starnes 

  • Monitors committee’s energy and interaction
  •  Keeps committee on track and ensures activities are completed in a timely manner

Section 5 - Attendance

Each member must attend at least 50% of the meetings to remain a committee member. This does not include special meetings added to the previously determined calendar.

Section 6 - Vacancies

A vacancy in an elected position must be filled by-election. A vacancy in a selected position is filled by selecting the remaining members of the team

Article IV - Committees

Standing committees, subcommittees, special committees, or task forces may be established or abolished as necessary to examine issues in-depth and develop recommendations to bring to the Site‐Based Decision-Making Team. The Principal shall co-chair all committees and subcommittees.


Quorum of at least 50% of members must be present to hold voting during meetings.

Article V - Meetings

Section 1 - Regular Meetings

At least four meetings per year outside of the school day are required by policy. The regular meetings of the team shall be held:

August 4th at 1:00pm

November 8th at 3:30pm

January 10th at 3:30pm

March 21st at 3:30pm

May 23rd at 3:30pm

Section 2 - Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called with 7 days’ notice.

Section 3 - Submission of Items for the Meeting Agenda

An issue may be brought to the committee by emailing the Chair and the Principal. The decision will be discussed and determined by the Chair and the Principal. The decision is decided on by the Chair and the Principal.

Section 4 - Communication of members with the larger school community

Meeting times, agendas, and minutes

 The meeting agenda will be sent to the SBDM committee one week before the scheduled meeting. The agenda must include time components for each discussion item. The community will be informed through the Northrich website and information will be added to the Northrich SMORE.

Annual Meeting

A public meeting will be held once a year, after receiving the annual campus rating from the Texas Education Agency, to discuss the performance of the campus and the campus performance objectives. The Site‐Based Decision-Making committee is the representative body through which the faculty may bring forth questions, concerns, and recommendations for the Site‐Based Decision-Making Team to consider for the benefit of the school.

Article VI - Meetings

Section 1 - Defined role in Decision Making

The Principal is to consult regularly and receive input from the team in planning, budgeting, curriculum, school organization, staffing patterns, and staff development. The Site‐Based Decision-Making Team must approve the staff development portions of the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP).

The Principal is responsible and accountable for all decisions made at the campus level. The Principal’s responsibility is to ensure that all decisions comply with local and state policy. The Site‐Based Decision-Making Team’s role is advisory, and its input into decision-making is intended to improve the quality of decisions made by the Principal.

Section 2 - Methods for reaching agreement

The Chair/Co-Chair will bring an agenda item/issue to the team for discussion, questions, and feedback. The committee will vote on that item at the moment with a majority vote needed.