North Star Goal
Every student, teacher, and leader will meet or exceed their academic growth goals.

School News & Updates


Need Help With 2025-26 Enrollment?

RISD is offering in-person enrollment help sessions in every learning community through the end of the school year. Reserve Your 2025-26 Seat Today!

Why Fine Arts Matters to Me graphic

Fine Arts Appreciation Month

Fine Arts are an integral part of the RISD experience. March is a time to celebrate the many achievements of district Fine Arts students and staff, and also an opportunity to thank the RISD community for making such a strong commitment to the arts possible.

West TAFE Takes First in State!

The RWJH chapter of Texas Association of Future Educators Public Service Announcement Team attended the State Teach Tomorrow Summit in Galveston last week, competing with over 3400 students from across the state of Texas.

RWJH PTA Seeking Board Members

PTA isn’t just about spirit sales and meetings! It’s about creating a vibrant and supportive community for our students, teachers, and families. By joining the PTA Board, you’ll have a direct impact on enhancing the educational experience at West.

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The power of AVID Secondary is the ability to impact students in the AVID Elective class and all students throughout the campus. AVID Secondary can have an effect on the entire school by providing classroom activities, teaching practices, and academic behaviors that can be incorporated into any classroom to improve engagement and success for all students. 
AVID Excel works by accelerating language acquisition, developing literacy, and placing AVID Excel students on the path to high school AVID and college preparatory coursework. Emergent multilingual students (long-term English language learners) indicate that they want to go to college, but without a structured way for teachers and schools to address their specific needs, these students experience gaps in their academic preparation that stop them from entering a college preparatory course of study.