Inspiring Author Visit at Wallace! 🌋📚

Nell Cross Beckerman visits Wallace!

Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders had a fantastic opportunity to meet Nell Cross Beckerman, author of Caves, Volcanoes, and When the Sky Glows! 🤩✨ Mrs. Beckerman shared her adventurous journey of writing and publishing her book on caves, along with stories from her trips to some of the most incredible caves around the world. 🌍🦇

The students even got to touch a real piece of lava rock that she brought—how cool is that?! 🔥🖐️ 10 lucky students enjoyed lunch with Mrs. Beckerman, and she generously signed books, donated a copy of her book, and a lava rock to our school! 📖🖋️

It was a truly unforgettable experience that ignited our students’ imagination and curiosity about the natural wonders of our planet. 🌟 Thank you, Mrs. Beckerman, for bringing your passion to Wallace! 🌋💛 #AuthorVisit #NellCrossBeckerman #CavesAndVolcanoes #WhenTheSkyGlows #ReadingAdventures #StudentInspiration #BookLovers #WallaceSchool


Why Fine Arts Matters to Me graphic

Fine Arts Appreciation Month

Fine Arts are an integral part of the RISD experience. March is a time to celebrate the many achievements of district Fine Arts students and staff, and also an opportunity to thank the RISD community for making such a strong commitment to the arts possible.