Every November, the Wallace Elementary family comes together for a heartwarming tradition—the Turkey Trot! 🦃✨
Throughout the month, our amazing students and staff collected an incredible 1,347 cans of food and non-perishable items for our local food bank! 🥫💛 On the last day before Thanksgiving break, we took to the neighborhood streets, joined by parents, to gather even more donations from our generous neighbors. 🚶♂️🚶♀️
This annual event is more than just a food drive—it’s about teaching compassion, spreading kindness, and building a stronger community. Let’s celebrate this success and continue making a difference, one step at a time! ❤️
#TurkeyTrot #WallaceElementary #ThanksgivingGiving #FoodDrive #CommunityLove #HolidayKindness #TogetherWeGive #MakingADifference